High School Knight Essay Contest
The George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest
What is the essay contest?
It is a contest for high school students to write an essay based on their own original research of a proven topic. The topic of the essay must be an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the U.S. Constitution.
Students must include at least five references with a minimum of three published book sources. If there are no book sources, the essay will be disqualified.
Prizes will be awarded at the Chapter, State and National levels. Chapter awards are conditional to each chapter. The State will award 3rd place, 2nd place and 1st place prizes of $600, $750, and $2,000 respectively.
NOTE: Anyone receiving an award with a value $600.00 or greater will need to provide their full name, address and SSN. They will be issued a 1099 per IRS regulations.
Who is it for?
The Knight Essay Contest is for high school students in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades enrolled in a public, parochial, or private schools (including accredited home schools).
How does the contest work?
The essay must have four parts: (A) a title page, (B) essay pages, (C) bibliography (works cited) and (D) contestant's biography. The title page, bibliography and contestant's biography must be listed on separate pages from the essay and no reference to the contestant's name of information can be apart of the essay pages or bibliography.
Essays which meet the rules will be accepted and judged on the following criteria:
The annual submission deadline to the chapter is December 31st.
Essays may be sent to the state chairman by that date, who will forward them to your local chapter for judging. Chapters must forward their winners for the state contest by January 21st.
Where can I go to find more information?
Please consult the national society website for all of the most up to date official rules and procedures of the contest(link is external).
You may contact the State Chairman if you have any questions or concerns about the contest:
C. Louis Raborg, Jr.
714 Chestnut Hill Rd
Forest Hill, MD 21050
raborg1989@verizon.net(link sends e-
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